Call for Testing: First Android Beta

For the latest call for testing, click here.

Hi everyone! I’m Davide, designer of the upcoming WooCommerce apps. After extensive research, design and development, we are ready with the first beta of the Android app. You’re running a store, you can’t always be sitting at a computer, and frankly, some things might be done better on a mobile phone. We want to help!

What is it?

While this is the first step on a longer journey to build many of WooCommerce’s features in this companion app, this app is already providing some useful features that can make your work easier and faster – especially on the go.

  • You can check basic orders and revenue statistics.
  • You can view orders list in chronological order, with status and total value.
  • You can review individual orders with all the standard details, and contact users.
  • You can perform basic order fulfilment.


Coming soon

There are some features in this beta that we plan to add before the release, namely:

  • You’ll get notifications about orders and reviews, and the ability to moderate them.
  • You’ll see more granular statistics.
  • You’ll see a list of the top selling products on your store.

These are coming soon, with much more on the way so stay tuned!

How to join the test?

Just follow the instructions on how to join the Android beta.

What to test?

Try doing these tasks:

  1. Check the reported orders and revenue and see if they match what you see in WooCommerce Reports on web.
  2. Check the list of orders and verify if it matches what you see in WooCommerce Orders on web.
  3. Try to fulfill an order on the mobile device, and confirm that everything works as expected, and that the data is changed on WooCommerce Order on web too.

Where to report your feedback?

Sharing your feedback or issues is simple: just comment on this post. Add separate comments for every issue so we can reply specifically, or write one comment with all your thoughts  — up to you. And if you’re new to testing, take a look at these tips on writing great feedback.

We are aiming to gather all your feedback in the next two weeks, and close this initial testing on June 19th.

Thank you!

Published by

Erin 'Folletto' Casali

Designing Product Experiences · NED · Mentor · Speaker · Baker Framework Founder · ManifestoIbridi Author

21 thoughts on “Call for Testing: First Android Beta”

  1. Why does this require Jetpack? By now the WC/WP REST API is more than rebust enough to grab/send this data without requiring us to install another (bloated) plugin.
    The WordPress App manages doing this fine.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks for the reply – and good idea adding this to the FAQ; I’m sure I’m not the only person hung up about it.

        While I appreciate your response, I’m sure I speak for others when I say I remain unconvinced. Considering that the WordPress App (also put out by you guys at Automattic) is able to offer login and base features and simply blocks the features that __actually need Jetpack__ to function.

        I truly hope that you decide to take that approach down the line.

        In the meantime I guess ill spin up a Dev server with jetpack for the purposes of feedback

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thanks for adding the section to the FAQ. However I would like to echo Dovid’s thoughts on this.

        If the Jetpack plugin already offers solutions for the issues mentioned in the FAQ, why can’t there be a stand alone version for WooCommerce? If that’s not possible, this app should be called something like “WooCommerce Jetpack Connect” in the G Play store for clarity.

        I wouldn’t mind connecting to a centralized WooCommerce service of some kind in order to use the app. However there is no way I’d even consider installing Jetpack on a serious WooCommerce site. No offence intended, just my thoughts!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Yes, we completely understand. We discussed and reviewed this multiple times — and I’m sure we will again and again. Thanks for your feedback! …and we might reach out further on this specific topic later. I hope you can still check this call for testing, see the app as it currently is, and give us feedback. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Does the Beta also require Jetpack? If so, you’re going to get a very warped set of results/testing. Since only people who use Jetpack will be able to test it. So of course, the result will be “People don’t seem to mind using Jetpack and it works” 🤔


      5. I’d love to! But I can’t do that currently as I don’t have a live Jetpack+WC site to test it on. I will hopefully get a chance to create a live test site, install WC, import some demo data, install Jetpack, create a new account, connect Jetpack, then connect to the app soon 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I tried on this my Galaxy S7, Android 7.0 and didn’t have any problems, but I did see a few areas that could use some improvement.

    1. When one of the pages is refreshed, also refresh the other pages. I refreshed my orders page and saw a new order. When I went to the dashboard view, I also had to update there.

    2. It would be nice to be able to see what site I am viewing and even switch to another site if desired. I had to log out and back in to change to a different site. If someone has multiple stores, it would be great to switch between them easily.

    3. I was only able to fulfill an order when it was in “Processing” state. It would be nice to also be able to change the status when a payment was received, or to cancel an order, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is great! I think it’s safe to say that there are thousands of people who have been waiting for this, so it’s awesome to see it coming to fruition 🙂

    However I don’t see why Jetpack is a requirement. Would you be able to provide some more information as to that being the case?


  4. As others have mentioned the requirement of jetpack is a major let down. We have a high volume high traffic site and dont need to install any more plug ins. Our site is very secure and this simply feels like a money grab to force us into another plug in and yearly subscription that directly benefits automattic.


      1. I installed the free version of Jetpack. I made sure to set the user levels that are customers. (We have multiple levels)

        Orders show up just fine but the sales data is empty and shows I have zero orders which is not correct.


        1. Could you post screenshots here of what you’re seeing? Pressing volume down + the power button should take a picture on most Android devices.

          If there is potentially sensitive data you’d rather not share here I can definitely e-mail you for them.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. We are now wrapping up this first call for testing, and preparing our next one. While we were hoping for more extensive feedback on the features, we also understand very well the concerns expressed above. We still managed to get some solid feedback on the features in this first beta release, we’re very thankful for that, and it will help making our first release more stable and effective from the very start.

    Thank you everyone! See you at our next call for testing. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Received some direct feedback from a tester after helping them verify Jetpack was set up:

    I can tell you ap is not bad. But you can insert custom notification, number of visiting people the site, live people on the site…


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